Humm… the sickness. I woke up to also find a scarceness in my thought. Looks like its going around, so far only me and kylde have been sick in the house. BYW, thanks for the juice!
Job Update:
I’m about to give up on Sams Club, it shouldn’t take a business this long, highly unprofessional. I spoke with Josh over the weekend and he told me to go bug them at Butterfield once more. I guess they need people in the door shop.
This whole job this is starting to get on my nerves. I’ve applied at over 40 places over the past 5 months and have only heard back from less than 10 of them. I guess I’m at the bottom of the so called “Boomerang Generation” but I’m not living I’m my parents basement, well I guess I am in a sense. I’m setting a new goal for myself, if I don’t have a job in 30 days, that’s it! I’ll probably march down to the employment office and do something drastic. Just one more “Invalid” in the world.
In other news, how about going to a LAN Centre that cost over 1.5 MIL to open? owner is like Super Dale's evil twin