I’ve been reading up on the whole Pirate Bay incident that happened in Sweden last month. If this thing gets any bigger I predict that we’ll have internet regulation laws in place within 5 years. That scares me a bit, I don’t want big brother standing over my shoulder every time I check my freaking e-mail! I can see us in ten years having to check
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The argument here is how far should companies go to protect copyrights, especially when the copyright only applies to the US. What I’ve seen is a growing hatred for the US by how it is enforcing domestic laws in countries that are obviously not US soil. It’s not a question about downloading illegal movies or music, its all about our foreign policy. I’ve been keeping up on this and have visited many forums, most of them foreign. The general consensus is everybody is sick of the US sticking its nose in other countries business. I’m sure the whole Iraq thing hasn’t helped this situation either. I’m not picking sides here or pointing any fingers, this is just my conclusion based on my observation.
I will admit I’m quite the pirate, but….. I like to use the internet to preview stuff.
Id say that just about every band I sample, then like, I later buy. If I don’t like it then off to the recycle bin it goes. Same with movies, if you look at my downloaded movies you will find a copy of just about every one on my DVD rack. This is what in my opinion the movie industry doesn’t understand, the whole idea of previewing something before you buy it appears to be alien to them. The music industry tried it and it works, I like listing to the music previews on Amazon.com before I decide if I want to buy a cd.
Like I said, it’s a sensitive topic, and everyone will see it differently.
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