May 21, 2009 01:12
Bringing back the things that we've lost, the things that made us happy, lucid.
A life where things had meaning, they had a special existance to your reality.
A place where it was ok to be who you are, and not someone who they want
you to be.
The complexity of sorrow is to much for my mind to fathom. I'm not one to be
'intune' with such emotions. For they are burried deep within the walls of my
past, but the walls are cracking. The other day I cried for no reason. I felt unsure
of myself, my future, present, and past.
Am I someone that continues? Or just a passing entity that helps, destroy's
and then passes with a mournful sigh.
Am I to wonder life not knowing who I'm supposed to be. I feel sure of who I am,
but am also unaware of what my purpose is.
A sure thing would be that I'm alive. Full of a happyness, a surviving will to give
my all to someone that will have me. For me.