Sep 05, 2004 03:56
i turned 31 this last sunday and reflected upon my last ten years... for all of u 21 year olds that think you've figured it out yet...
in the last ten years ...
I've gone to a community college and done terrible, gone to an art school and graduated, gone to an all girls school (dont ask long story) and gone to the police academy and loved it - there's something about going to school and getting paid that rules.
I started my 20's dating a wonderful girl till she got knocked up by somebody else then i dated someone else who really really broke my heart. I learned indifference was the key and dated dozens of truely beautiful women until the one that was too good for me wouldnt let me go.
I've lived in two apartments and two houses and gone through three cars. I've hiked the Grand Canyon and learned they serve beer at the bottom. I've gambled in Vegas and AC - been to Dominican Republic 4 times, Puerto Rico once - driven to Ocean City, Virginia Beach, West Va, Tampa and Boston.
I've lost my mother to cancer a week after i danced with her at my wedding and can still feel the kiss i gave her on her head the last time i saw her. I've lost my brother to a lung infection, 24 years after he wasn't supposed to live a week and realized doctors don't know shit. i've lost a friend to a car accident, my wife's cousin to ectasy (yes kids - drugs do kill), her grandmother and both grandfathers and an uncle. i've lost two of my best friends mothers and couldn't make it to their funerals because i had stupid work stuff to do. i've lost friends to wives, husbands, distance, work and drug use - and figured out who my true friends really were.
I've heard the screams of a thousand people as they've died - something i'll never get outta my head. i've caught armed robbers, car thieves and a serial rapist and i'm still hated by the people that need me the most.
I've realized one simple truth - life is not fair. Once u accept that everything else falls into place.
and I've seen just enough hope in my daughter's smile to keep me going...