I Dare You

Apr 08, 2004 16:57

I used to be one of those girls who won't pass up a dare, i'd do anything, the most memorable being a dare from my siblings when i was 8 to kiss my cousin's butt when we were all on holiday in New Zealand and my mouth was stuck to his butt pepetually the whole trip, he so freaked out, aha happy days. Well this was how i though being brave and all was......till i reached like 12 or so i found out how stupid the whole thing was, so later when someone said to me:
"i dare you to throw a stink bomb at the teacher"
i replied philosophically :"what would i achieve by doing that"
person :"The satisfaction that you completed the dare"
me "Sorry that isn't enough to entice me".
That's why i get pretty pissed when girls say they would do anything once, i know they are trying to say they are adventurus and might be refering to how wild they are in the sack and how they are living in the moment but i dunno it just pisses me off i mean they don't even get money from doing these dares for godsake so i thought if i found someone who says they would try anything once i would do this.
Stupid person:"I am up to try ANYTHING once"
me:"Seriously, okay try to commit suicide once than"
stupid person:"erm sorry but anything but that cos i like living life to the fullest and don't wanna die yet"
me:"What! No way you said ANYTHING you arn't living life to the fullest if you don't do this cos there is one thing in life you won't do, besides that you can't say you would do ANYTHING once you could only say you would do ANYTHING but commit suicide once which just sound plain stupid and cowardy"
Stupid person:"erm okay than"
Goes and commit suicide which failed(deliberately of course)
Stupid person:"happy now"
me:"Well now that you commited sucide and failed, my last request is i'd like you to try at least once to commit suicide and succeed, i'm sure you haven't done that or i'd know"
Stupid person commit suicide and succeed living life to the fullest in the midst cos who can say she never did everything once.

Okay was thinking of this before my exam it's crap i know aha cos watched elimidate and this girl said she would do anything once and proceed to give a lapdance to the jerk of a guy upon his request and he asked all the other girls one by one to beat that so he have 4 lapdances, augh, stooopid. On a brighter note finished all my term tests today, 3 weeks to finals, starting sewing classes soon am so on the road to feminity or faux feminity anyway hope i find some hidden sewing skills or i am really useless with no talents at all i need a niche hurry someone show me the light.
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