Nov 03, 2005 01:36
Whether you want it or not I am here breathing as well as you are.
Studying for my 3 hour geology midterm is slowly killing me. I remember everything now but when time comes tomorrrow I am worried that it will all go away leaving me all confused. I know the stuff, but not knowing is worse I suppose. Tomorrow/ today better go well or I swear to Buddah there will be some ass kicking going on.
First off when someone needs help or has a question is not best to ignore them because in the end when you are ignored, thoughts process that should not be processing. Thinking is bad when you don't want to think.
I love you, and I love me when I need to... I sometimes love you but only when I get treated like a human being...
My love goes out to you all... and your moms *laughs evily*... that sounds creepy... I think I need to go to sleep.
Note to self, do NOT say "I" because that makes you seem self centered. *gets memorized* Check and check