Finished my F-list cut! If I un-friended you on accident, just go ahead and slap me and I'll add you back.
So I bought a couple books the other day: "My Kind of Place," by Susan Orlean (travel writing, sorta) and "The Developing Person Through the Lifespan," some old textbook, because it sounded cool. Also had a cello gig on Valentine's Day -- made $50, and some old guy tipped me a five-spot while I was playing. He was so adorable. My arm hurt like absolute hell afterwards, though. Two and a half hours of playing, barely thirty minutes of accumulated break time -- ouch.
Right now, I'm re-learning how to internet. Not on it much nowadays, but I have found a new obsession: REDDIT! I just stalk the website for now, but it's actually really fun and super interesting. Especially r/sex. R/sex is oodles and noodles and many many poodles of fun~
sin_unforgiven gave me Season 2 of Sherlock, so I'll be watching that soon, and we watched the latest Once Upon a Time episode together last night.
Rumpelstiltskin, ohgod bb, c'mere. ;;
I really need to work on my book. A whole bunch. I've got the character's voice in my head, it's just like pulling teeth at first.
Boyfriend was cute on Valentine's. I wasn't really expecting anything, but he sent me a random "Happy Valentine's Day" text in the middle of the day (we live in separate towns, so text is our usual means of communication most days of the week) and then we talked about our mutual days, so that was nice. Five months and going strong! He invited me to his friend's birthday party (also in another town) but I'm not feeling terribly social so I might pass. Still, haven't seen my boy in 5 days and it's starting to wear on me. ._.
OH! I'm re-watching Heroes. Just finished Season 1 last night. I own 1, 3, and 4, so I need to go somewhere and find Season 2 for cheap. I know of a place a little ways away (hour and a half drive) but I got Season 1 of Heroes for $5 there, so I'm hoping for a similar price for Season 2.
Have this GIF I found today: