I don't usually update this often, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

Feb 08, 2011 22:16

Several things have occurred in the past few minutes that have grown and expanded and outright exploded into a Being Human Canon AU fic idea. A big one. A big goddamned monster.

And I'm afraid it's going to haunt my nightmares until I write it all down.

I'll tinker with some concepts tonight -- another big project might be good for me.

Other news, I'm making gifs of the first episode of Being Human (SyFy). Got about 20 down, but they're kinda... huge compared to other gifs I've seen, for some reason. Like up to 6MB per gif huge. I don't know how to remedy this, so I'm just gonna say fuck it.

Have a preview:

In other other news, I've been working this past week on a community, and I'm hoping to finish the gruntwork tonight. It's a bit of a surprise, but the unveiling should be rather soon. Just gotta find some artists to do graphics/banners (I'll probably end up making the first batch myself) and then reach out for some affiliates. More info on that hopefully by tomorrow, if I'm not a complete lazy-ass tonight.

How's everyone doing?

raped by a plot bunny, your mother licks boots, gifs, violently molested by a plot bunny, ohgod does she ever shut up?, being human, new friends are rockin', frotted to completion by a plot bunny, issa surprise!, bit by a plot bunny, complimentary bacon tag is complimentary, stupid tags, ate a plot bunny, community, what's with these tags?, i love be_a_shark

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