Feb 23, 2007 17:46
Just had my annual review at Carlson. Went better than I could have expected. There was one area of "needs improvement" dealing with attendance. It dealt with logging into the phones by the appropriate time, which I really didn't know at first, so the problem has been corrected..I usually log in one minute before and go "live" right on the dot. It's a pretty long review, but they go over your call statistics, and other, more personally directed items. To make a long story short..they like me! It's sad to say that when they brought me on, they didn't think that I would be a "valuable asset" for at least a year, not directed at me, but just their own opinion when dealing with Newbies. I won't know what kind of monetary increase for about another month (it takes a while to make the request up the ladder so to speak), but without giving anything away, she told me I sould be nicely suprised. Not sure what that means, but it beats "expect an increase merited by your work..thank you..next".
Overall, a lot of nice comments my way, and since I have one co-worker moving on to another department, they say that I've unfortunatley set the curve for the next guy in a bit higher than their usual expectations. Yea, me!