Jan 16, 2005 19:26
Ok, so were friends again and I'm really happy!! It was when I went to the movies with Danielle and I saw them there with like A LOT of other ppl so we all watched White Noise together and right as we got there Ariana and Alicia come running right past me and hug Danielle so I was like "Ok you can just ignore me I don't care" to Holly and shes like "I love you" and we hugged and then I feel someone else hugging me and I turned around and it was Ariana and Alicia and I'm like "So you're not mad at me anymore??" and their like "No, because when we saw you crying we felt bad and I talked it over with my mom and we both agreed that it was your mom's fault" and I'm like "O ok!!" and we've been back to normal now.