(no subject)

Sep 04, 2007 19:04

Once upon a time there was a quite gleeful character called Matt. He had a big head which occasionally blocked the tv, he ate and drank unhealthy things and weeped PITIFULLY when anyone touched his Dew.
He had a minion sentient cockroach who was far smarter than he, and better with the ladies and they had many charming adventures together.

This fellow was rather boring, always playing games and pretending he was a warlord in some other galaxy. He apparently had social issues.

One day Matt was zinging away at Zombies, smoking because he liked smelling like old hookers on curbs, when his most charming, drop dead gorgeous partner entered the room. He was so surprised by how sexy his partner was that he felt he had seen all the earth could offer and leapt out of the building.

Luckily, his partner, Mello, was a genius and had set up safety measures should this happen and rescued him from his imminent and very stupid doom.

Much thank you sex was had by all.

The moral of this story is, I am sexy and Matt is bested by Chadwick on all occasions.
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