Man wat no work huh ya

Oct 20, 2005 20:58

Arghhhhhhhh got a phone call today from work, heh thought they were just reminding me it starts next week, well it dun, cause bleh it just not so no more work til 31st of october wow weeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Anyways as some of you know I hate my family well not all of em, maybe i don't hate any of them but i sure don't like most of em. It just went to shit when well guess 2 members of the family convicted of molesting ma nephews and nieces well ma Dad touched ma nieces the bro touched both of em. Anyways it caused a rift in the family a silent one really cause well the biggest disappointment is my sister Josiephine why cause she won't visit mum when she comes here cause she dun wanna see dad, plus when she did come down here she told mum to leave dad, i am sorry but i kinda think after 30+ years of marriage bleh anyways I thought that was so wrong. I didn't say anything then cause well ya i didn't snap so to speak yet...

Thats how I first came down here to whitianga to live you see I was in the midst of a desktop publishing course maybe thats how i have a bit of graphic talent so to speak. But anyways thats when it first came out about dad doing what he did. So of course we be thinking he gonna go to prison which he did albiet 5 yrs later. Anyhows since i wasn't working it was me that was decided upon to come down and you know take care of mum. (brent was still inside prison). So ya i moved down here carried on with bowling got chosen to be a representative of Thames Valley. Anyways back on track around that time Josie came on down with my brother Robert(now i was close to him) we went out to the pub for a few drinks and such, it was the next day that Josie told mum to leave dad. i thought wat a bitch but hey i kept it to myself cause you know I was a shell of myself(maybe i will like tell ya's all about that oneday too).

So we were waiting for charges to be laid etc now I don't at all blame my niece for not laying them with the cops but the cops already knew so they still should of charged him i mean a minor anyways she was facing great family pressure sighs I may have been a part of that not intentionally cause I told her whatever you choose to do Michelle I am with you 100 percent still am, just don't agree with whats happening right now with concerns to my bro(but thats another story within itself).

So ya waiting and waiting for the charges to be laid, well it didn't happen and I thought it was time to move on you know no job(heh if i knew about opc i would of been working then). Anyways it was time to move on as i said so moved in with my brother Robert and his fiance, now me and her got on well real dandy we were. I think i told you how we fell apart. Anyways I did a few courses and such, got into um one course and thats how i got work experience with The Family Court ya baby that was me, around that time i got back with Tracey(so glad the flame ain't their for her no more all i have is hatred for her). Anyways got a job with the courts, even though the course i be on was trying to get me to leave they even had some students ring me to get me to leave and i was like what the hell who the heck are you to tell me to leave, i said to them get a life you ain't got no right to tell me what to do(oh man that was the start of me sticking up formyself) anyways it was that time that incident with the $5, so i was asked to move out and i was oh ok thats fine i shall and i did, now i owed them 160.00 ok which i did, the problem was this I asked my brother please wait a week ok i need to actually sort my shit out with my new place and all so the next day he comes into work so i hdad to take him inot an office and talk to him and an hour later i get a vebal warning for being out of work. Arghhhhhh so i was pissed off, and had enough of this bullying around by my family. So I decided to be an arse, and told him you will get the frigging money when you get me back my stuff you are holding oh man that just fucking went down well heh. So Ngaire comes over to my place and i told her to get fucked and that was that no more talking to them for the next 2 yrs. Me and Rob now talk but ain't the same no more. Ok now that is that part out and why i ain't got tme for Josie i still have time fro robert cause we were close once.

Now who comes down and sees us or visit just one Roger(close to him, he kinda looked after me) do we even get a courtesy call from anyone no unless they need something. Heres looking at you Susan. Stephen don't even ring, it's a hell of a family.

Ok so I dont' know maybe i should just chill but when you spent all ya life doing as others tell you they don't like it one iota when you bite back and fight back and say enough is enough.

Anyways thats that hope it clarifies things for you a bit sure dont' for me :P

Ok now my evil twin sis had a job interview hope it all went well and stuff :) so todays livejournal plug is ma evil twins.

I think i need to learn to chill what you think :)

Well as one old fossil would say actually what would you say? hehehe

Well my love is out for the night at a sleepover with her friend so hey be good now and remember ma peeps thas cool but cena well hey thas not cool :P
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