Nov 17, 2005 23:14
Lalala Placeholder for hot vampire sex, or you know, maybe not.
Yea generic bar!room/bathroom! Bed, table, chair, blah!
Opens door for teh sleepy jedi chick, yo.
"Make yourself comfortable, and all that Jazz." Huzzah for placeholders and slang.
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Yet her earlier conversation with Valentine made her feel a lot better...maybe Valentine used crazy-empath powers to calm her blood-loss frenzy down.
Anywho. Hot Female Jedi Master with bloody arm sitting on Montparnasse's chair as she dazedly eyes the bed.
What's he going to do about it?
"There is a restroom, there" He gestures toward the other door. "If you wish to clean the cut, or if you would like help bandaging it." He cocks his head to one side. "Also, I can disappear for a minute if you wish to get more comfortable." Look, he's being polite.
Almost as an afterthought, she kicks off her boots too. She still looks rather uncomfortable, but what else can she do? Silly girl doesn't carry pj's around.
That'd just be...odd.
"Don't be silly. I'm sure I have shirts, at least, that would be more comfortable." Some random t-shirts that bar gave him. Not just the frilly lacy ones. As nice as they are...
And, in fact, he locates one and tosses it to her before reaching for the spare gauze and gesturing toward the sink. Conveniently, tape for the guaze and bandaging, is waiting for them. How does bar do it?
She hisses softly. Hurts. She turns on the sink and very, very carefully starts to clean it.
"Ugh." She looks...dead. Circles around eyes, pale skin. Pauvre Mara.
She opens the door again, and leans against the doorjam, watching Montparnasse for a moment. "Thanks for the shirt.."
But as he does not know this, he simply smiles. "Of course. It looks better on you anyway." Don't guys shirts always?
He takes a seat in the chair, more or less forcing her to take the bed. It's his way of being generous. Besides, she's the one who's going to be sleeping. And he sighs.
He can always do that to her. Makes her angry.
She shuffles over to the bed, and sits on the corner of it, fiddling with the hem of the shirt.
She sighs too.
He stares at the floor for a few moments before he speaks again. "I'm really beginning to hate doctors." He says finally. Ostensibly light heartedly, but not quite.
Mara scoots back on the bed, slowly, till just her feet hang off. "That was...random. Why do hate them?"
He chuckles at her relocation. Much better.
"Because they have spoken with Illyria." He replies, as if this should have been obvious.
"Oh. That would be an interesting conversation. And now they're coming after you and want to dissect your brain, yes?" Mara smirks softly, trying to lighten the topic slightly. "Well in that case, I can lend her Cilghal. Great brain dissector."
"Something like that. Or at least to accuse me and threaten me for things I've already admitted to. Things I've already discovered that I regret."
He smirks though. Refusing to let it bother him too much. "But if they did disect my brain, I'd be curious to see what they found." It would probably just comfirm their suspicions about love.
"Well that's stupid. They shouldn't be doing that. In fact, Illyria shouldn't even be talking to anyone else about this, if she's spreading it around. I mean you told me, but it's not like I'm running to everyone I know and saying 'Oh my gods, let me tell you what Montparnasse did!'" Mara scowls. And crosses her arms.
She quickly uncrosses them, as her shirt (his shirt) rode up when she did that.
"Brain play would not be something I'd like to go through." Mara feels sick to her stomach. It's something she subjected people to. Like her son. And niece.
"Well, if talking helps her as well, I cannot begrudge her the chance to do so. And I cannot truly blame them for disparaging me about it. It just- still hurts." No Montparnasse. Just forgetting it happend really isn't going to work.
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