So what if I'm worth it??

Jun 22, 2005 12:31

First off, I'd like to make an update to my last post about the missing girl in Aruba...let's see, day 23 no sign of her anywhere. On another note, 11 year old gets lost in the Utah mountains and is found after 4 DAYS!! Hmm, think maybe the Aruban officials are doing EVERYTHING they can?? An 11 YEAR OLD!! 4 days!! Found by a couple on there ATV's just by coincidence.

Ok now back to my life...

I got a fat raise last week. Fat and PHAT I guess you could say. Pissed some people off at work, but too damn bad. I'm worth the money they gave me. I bust my ass there to make sure my customers get the help they need and the items they are looking for. I don't bitch about the management, I don't complain about what they ask me to do, I don't talk about anyone there. I clock in, do my work, make sure everything looks good, and I clock out. I don't have time for drama. I'm worth the 14% raise they gave me. Yeah that's right, I said 14%. Not 3 percent like the standard raises go. Fourteen. And hell yeah I'm worth the money. No one has really said I wasn't but I've seen the look I've gotten when I said how much the raise was. Instantly one guy was like, well, I'm going to have a talk with the store manager. Why?? You don't do squat. You don't even have half the responsibility I have. I'm 2nd in command in my department. If shit hits the fan and the department manager isn't around, guess who the shit hits? Not you, me. I'm the one it'll splatter on. But anyway, whatever, he was a no call, no show yesterday.

In other news, I went out for a going away party Friday night for one of the girls at my job. She got a job in her field so she's very excited, as am I for her. But the party was nuts. Shots everywhere, craziness ensuing. Not for me, I was almost broke, so I played it cool. But it was a lot of fun. Got home at 3am and had to work at 5am, oops. So I didn't sleep Friday night, went into work at 5am, until about 230pm. Came home, tried to catch a nap, my roommate comes home and says two of our friends are hosting a joint birthday party at their place, so I go with him and he's driving. Big mistake, 5am rolls around Sunday morning, we are still there because he's trying to get on a 19 year old virgin. So my friend Kristin says she's leaving for Walled Lake and offered me a ride home. I get home about 6am, have to be at work at 1030am. Yeah, I got maybe 3 hours sleep, worked until 7pm, had to get to a softball game. Came home, was up to 5am AGAIN talking to my friend Natalie from downriver. That was also after a Pistons loss that just flat out SUCKED. So what does that work out to? Woke up Fri. AM at 10am and didn't go to sleep until Sunday 6am. 44 hours straight. Then 3 hours sleep and up almost another 20. So over 3 days, about 3 hours sleep. You'd think I was like 20 or something. Not 30, LOL. or almost 30.

Thankfully the Pistons did win game 6 last night. Rasheed came through huge in the 4th with 5 fouls and all. I did notice the Pistons getting nailed for stupid fouls like tapping Duncan on the fingernail or dripping sweat on Ginobilli, or breathing on Tony Parker. Thank goodness that Duncan can't hit a free throw to save his life lately. Which normally would be too bad, since anyone else plays the Spurs in the Finals and I'm all about the Spurs because I used to be a huge David Robinson fan. Hopefully Detroit can do something that's never been done. Down 3-2 on the road and win both road games. Never been done. As 'Sheed said, they want to pop San Antonio's Cristal for them Thursday.

I'm still planning on a trip to SkyDome in August. If anyone is interested in going to see the Yankees-Blue Jays game. Need to find a day to go to Comerica as well. Any takers on that?

I guess there was a lot going on lately. Hope no one got bored.
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