Nov 14, 2006 14:10
Job goes well. My contract at the Bank of Canada is up in December, I want to get another here in Ottawa so I don't have to go travelling all the time. Anyone want to hire me? :P
Halloween was a blast. Check out to see the pictures of miss Aleta as Minnie Mouse!!! So cute.
Christmas is coming up really fast. How many more sleeps? 41? 40? I don't want to count.
I feel like cooking all the time now. Cooking and baking. I made a lasagna this weekend it tasted good but turned out more runny than anything lmao.. it was not my best creation. My LAST lasagna was awesome!! but i never write down my recipes so I can't do things twice in a row. I'm starting to collect recipies now soooooooooo
What's your favourite recipe?