free will and other thoughts

Aug 02, 2003 01:23

I have been doing some philosophical thinking lately, and i've come to realize the truth of humanity.. there is no free will.. we are merely victims of genetic and environmental factors. We have no real chose, everything we do is dependant on past events and our genes. We merely are poor victims who experience life... not whom can control it. If there was a super computer with every input bout a person, his whole life could be predicted. When you think of it that way, it becomes logical.. there is no free will, no choice, no nothing.

The hypocricy of people is profound...especially America. We are suppose to be the land of the free, correct? Yet what does freedom mean to most people, and even more politicians? It means freedom for there thoughts, not anybody elses. Drug use for example, we are based on freedom, yet people go to jail for 15-20 for abusing themselves...just because you dont agree with drug use, doesnt mean it shouldnt be illegal. I personal wouldn't do drugs, but I feel people should be able to do if they wnat as long as they dont hurt others. Another is abortion. First off.. the U.S. is SUPPOSE to have seperation of Church and State, yet that doesnt seem to exist. Just because you think killing an unborn fetus is wrong, doesn't mean people shouldn't have the RIGHT to do it. I am personally against that also. Another thing is gay marriage, I mean im not gay but that gets on my nerves also. Again, there is suppose to be a seperation of church and state. Yet You have Bush saying its a sin and should be outlawed. Even if you are someone who believes its a christian, them being married under law (not under church), doesnt hurt you one bit, and only helps them financially. We have the whole american dream thing going, yet Canada does a better job living up to it than us... pathetic. We have a bunch of conservative Christians in power with 1950's mentality; totally out of touch with the times. Also our country has the whole freedom of speech thingy... u know the first amendment.. yet the government keeps trying to censor shows/video games/ movies each other. After 9-11 there was actually a bill proposed that every television program be reviewed before it could be released. The Soviet Union anyone? We have no freedom, they just use that thought as propaganda.

and religion.. I really dont understand how people can still be orthodox in any religion. alluding to 1984, they must display "doublethink," the ability to hold two contrasting ideas at once. The bible states the earth is like what, 5000 years old? Yet we have the big bang and such that almost everyone believes in. And even those who dont, think the earth is about 4 billion years old atleast... also evolution is scientific fact. Human evolution is 99.999% proven. Also modern genetics show that if we derived from Adam and Eve that we would all be severly retarted from the lack of genetic diversity. Religion was merely used to explain unexplainable things (such as the sun), teach morals, help compherend death, and give people meaning. In present day I see no meaning for religion. It is stupid, almost all of the worlds conflicts are fighting over it. You think people would understand they are brainwashed, and they only believe in a religion cuz they were taught it from a young age. The friggen bible was writen 100's of years after the alleged facts! How do you know the person wasn't just crazy? there's not one shred of fact, only "faith." whats faith based on? what you were brianwahsed to believe when u were little! if you wanna have a religion fine, but none of the organized ones would be right. Why would the most complex being exist before the most simplistic things, such as atoms? it doesnt make any sense. You can say God created the universe, but anything after that being explained by god is stupid. I can make a more convincing arguement at a later date if you want, but im tired.

and society. We have evolved too fast, as that article we read in Foglia's class a while back states. We still have our barbaric mentalities, they are justs urpassed to function in this society. We are still motivated by sex and supremacy. Though we dont go around raping women anymore and killing other men. humans still do whatever it takes to surpass there fellow man, whether it be financially or influentially or whatever. We still are run by the emotions of hate, fear, lust, jealousy, etc... traits that we needed back in nomadic times. We are merely simplicity gilded in complexity. The human race is so flawed, humans sux so bad.

and life. what the point of life. Whats the point of anything. No matter what you do, you are going to die, making everything you do meaningless. You can be a janitor or a billionaire, the end result is the same. also, no matter what you do in life will make you happy. It is human nature to always want more. How many rich people do you see that are happy? They have well paying jobs? but becuz of flawed human nature they have greed, wanting more, never happy with what they have. You live your whole life trying to be better than your fellow man; but why? whats the point? you still going to die, it wont bring happiness. I find it awefully ironic that the crackheads that intellicults like to poke fun of, have the most fun with life. I mean under close observation it makes perfect sense. they just have fun , do what they want, and dont care about consequences; so what if they are poor and have little future? does it really matter. Does it matter if you have a 10 inch tv or a plasma big screen, its still the same thing. Whats the point of trying. whats the point of succeeding. Whats the point of anything? People will never be happy with what they have, and they all end up dead. Death makes everything meaningless, especially if you athiest. everything meaningless. Friendships are meaningless. Education is meaningless. Jobs are meaningless. Technology is meaningless. Everything is.

We have no free will, no control over our decisions... we are merely riding the roller coaster of life. And whether its one of the little dragon roller coaster from the carnival or Superman from six flags, the result is the same... Death. Making everything meaningless.

Those are my pessimistic thoughts and views for the moment. Sorry for misspellings and any incongruinties that may have arised.. its 1:30 am.

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