I've been stuck on
The Tourettes Guy for quite some time now. One day I hope to be as cool as he is. But I need a Tony The Tiger shirt for each day of the week...or just wear the same one forever...just more of the mystery that is Danny The Tourettes Guy. First things first, anyone that knows what tourettes is knows this guy's fake. Meaning its an act. People thought it was funny in the movies...like Not Another Teen Movie and Duece Bigalow. But yeah, a guy shouting incoherent obscenities makes me laugh.
Sick Animation is similar in the fact that the comics or flash toons don't really make sense at all. But I still laugh because I think it's funny. Plus some are just overly disgusting.
I screwed up my install to Office 2003 some how. Ok, not "some how" but more like "I was dicking around in the Registry and deleted a ton of shit I shouldn't have." Well you know what...I DID'T ASK FOR YOUR HIGH AND MIGHTY OPINION. I know what I did and I'm being a man and admitting it here. A big, take-no-shit man. TAKE NO SHIT I SAID. That out of the way I guess I have to either do without a word processor or find a way to get it back on here. I don't really write as much as I used to...which means I am not writing anything really. I mean, I toss a post or two up on the bazillion (3) blogs that I have. And of those only 2 get read on a semi regular basis. I will toss in some witty banter, maybe a watered down rant here and there. I don't post stuff about politics or religion or whatever you wanna call it. Mainly because I don't care for your opinion on my opinion, which is usually what it always boils down to. "Well I think this....well I think this...well that's wrong because I think this." Unless someone can give me undeniable truth, it's just speculation. But I will make a post about my favorite Subway sandwich or my latest bowel movement or about the last time I got drunk. People love me.
Oh, I also notice a lot of crap about music lately. One of the biggest piles of shit I've seen to date is the genre called "emo". I can only guess that emo is short for emotion. And regardless of whether I'm right or not it's stupid. So is any genre called "xxx-core". So people don't think I'm talking about porn...death-core...hate-core. Whatever. "Core" isn't a genre suffix you can add to some music you like so you can be unique. Just like any chump that ONLY listens to underground music because mainstream music is supposedly bad. How can music be bad just because it's mainstream. Just because millions of people like something, that makes it bad. If a song sounds good, it's good. Period. I don't care about the politics of the music industry. I'm not a fucking musician. I play Black Uhuru, then listen to a remix of Meat Beat Manifesto, and then listen to Ice-T from the 90s. AND I LIKE HOW ALL OF THEM SOUND. If I had the ability...well, if I could get away with it I'd probably severely hurt anyone that tries to discuss music with me in that manner.
Also, those guys said you guys look like dorks.