I love how my friends know their boundaries... NOT

Jun 05, 2007 20:52

Ryan says:

sorry to interupt you XD

Vorn Maelstrom says:

interrupt my reading? o.O

Vorn Maelstrom says:

I haven't been reading for half an hour, I've been cursing my internet connection, it keeps poofing XD

Vorn Maelstrom says:

*hasn't started reading again yet*

Vorn Maelstrom says:

Besides, Lesty, you can never tell if I'm reading or not. I talk a mile a minute either way XD

Ryan says:


Ryan says:

have you masturbated while talking to me?

Vorn Maelstrom says:

I said "READING"

Ryan says:

reading WHAT?

Vorn Maelstrom says:

"READING" implies my fingers are unoccupied

Vorn Maelstrom says:

and... ugh... GAH

Vorn Maelstrom says:


Ryan says:


Ryan says:

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