Random shit, since I never post...

Nov 19, 2009 22:15

So this post will pretty much be a rambling of sorts of all the stuff that I have been thinking about recently....

To start... only one month till I graduate! Most people would be excited, and don't get me wrong, I am excited, but... its a bit terrifying! I have been in school since I was 3 (I did preschool twice, my parents wanted to socialize me, since I was an only child) so that means almost 21 years of schooling! So, probably a quarter of my life... wow. And it's sad because I will have my Masters, which isn't an overly common thing at our age, but that doesn't matter, my bioengineering bf will always be making more money and be more in demand! Not that I mind, but its sad that I went into so much debt to get something that won't be as fruitful as some less expensive (both money and time-wise), but at least I know I will love it! So anyways, I don't know how to feel about the whole thing, but it will just be hard to adjust to not having school... and I don't know if I will be able to find a job, but I hope to god that I will, because it is so hard right now to find anything, especially library jobs! I am certified to work in pretty much every library, but carnegie is downsizing, and so many schools are too! That doesn't help me much!

In other random news, have you ever heard a song and been like... these are good lyrics, and they are a good message... and i looooove them... It's terrible I know, because this song is not anything special, its popular, but not because its anything like musical mastery, but I love the lyrics: "I see your face drop, I told you not to count me out, cause you always tried to fill me with doubt, saying that I'd look better if I was thinner, don't you know you shoulda loved me for my inner, when I left you, I came out a winner" I don't know why I like it so much, I just think, maybe it's a good message...

So i've been listening to books on CD in the car, because I have a pretty decently long drive to school and home, so I decided it was time to finish the Twilight series, because I only ever read the 1st, since I had to for a class. Let me say, I thoroughly don't enjoy it. Bella is a whiny bitch and someone I would NEVER want my daughter to look up to. I just finished New Moon, and it was terrible. She spends the first half of the book, or more, just whining about how she can't live or go on without Edward. Then she is like... I could die and it wouldn't be bad, because I've lived through the worst thing ever, which was when Edward left me. Oh god forbid... ppl break up, get over it, move the fuck on! And when she isn't whining about Edward leaving her, she is whining about how much she wants to be a vampire. Seriously... Stephanie Meyers... worst popular author of right now. The only people who love her book are girls who have unrealistic expectations of love. And it hurts me inside when girls are like... OMG I love Edward I want my boyfriend to be just like him. I actually saw an article in a girls magazine for ages 10-15 at school that was about how to get your own Edward. HONESTLY! Yes it would be wonderful if there were guys out there who could save you every single time you are in danger and would protect you blah blah. However, he is a VAMPIRE.... which doesn't exist... and he is a SPARKLY vampire at that... those aren't sexy! The last thing I wanna do is be blinded by a vampire... it would make it easier for him to throw me off and suck my blood. And then Edward talks about how Bella smells so good and he wants to taste her and has to push off the temptation.... could you use a more ridiculous metaphor for virginity and sex, really. I picked up book 3 and 4 from the library today... I will let LJ know how I feel about those when I finish them. I think I might start posting small book reviews on here, as I have FINALLY been able to start reading again! Granted, most of the books have been middle school books, because that is what I have the easiest access too.

The Boy Who Dared by Susan Bartoletti
This was an interesting book, based on an actual boy who is sitting on death row, imprisoned by Hitlers men, and his flashbacks to what lead up to his imprisonment. It was so good, especially for the age level it was written for. As far as historically accurate, I think it was done really well and it was a quick read.

A Corner of the Universe by Ann Martin
This book was incredible and I only read it because a parent asked us to take it off the shelf, because she thought it was inappropriate for 5th and 6th graders. It's about a girl with a weird family dynamic and an uncle who until recently lived far away at a special school but comes back and has serious mental issues. After reading it, I agree... not appropriate for middle schoolers, but it's still great for adults or older kids.

Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron
This book was amazing. People try to compare it to Marley, but it wasn't supposed to be a story just like Marley, but it was incredible. Not just for librarians or people who love cats. It is just touching all around.

Currently I am reading:
Model's Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies by Erin Dionne
It's about a fat girl who is entered in the Miss Husky Peach contest by her bitchy aunt. It's hilarious so far, but I am only a few chapters in. Will updated more on it later!

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyers
I bet I will hate this too. I will write when I finish it.

I guess thats all for now, because I am out of interesting things, and if you even made it this far I give you credit for reading my ramblings!

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