From Yesterday's Times Union "Preview" Section 6/18/2009

Jun 19, 2009 17:07

Here's a comment a guy wrote in the Preview Section of the Times Union regarding the recent Dave Matthews Band shows at SPAC. I totally agree and commend this man on his letter:

Here's my review. DMB sucks. I know this thread is meant to be a positive venue for fans but what about another view? I am tired of all the coverage this band commands when they play in the capital region. DMB is without a doubt one of the most overrated bands in history and certainly the most overrated jam band ever. Dave is boring and nerdy and decidely average in every way. The annoying voice, stupid songs, token dreadlock band mates, and Kenny G horns sounding off in the background are enough to make those of us who actually know what a good band sounds like puke. I actually feel sorry for the legions of ivy league, Starbucks drinking wannabes who flock to his concerts in the Audis their parents bought for them. They clearly wouldn't know a good jam band if one fell from the ceiling and landed on their lap. DMB is symbolic of the generation that worships them: lackluster, unoriginal, pointless, and self-absorbed.

- Chris

Now I'm not really a jam band fan, unless we are talking some 70's funk, but this dude totally hit the DMB "phenomenon" square on the head. This is a guy who should be making his living on the State Fair circuit and never, ever graced the airwaves. How he ever achieved the backing of the music industry shows how out of touch these record executives are. It demonstrates that with the right juggernaut marketing machine people will buy any shit fed down their throats. It's too bad that there are legions of better bands who never get that lucky.

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