I got bored :)

Aug 03, 2005 19:47

1 Full name: Tristen Brianna Davis-Giza
2 Date and place of birth: April 9, St.Thomas Ontario
3 Height and weight:umm...5'6 ish...weight dont matter
4 Colour of eyes: Brown
5 Family: Dad, step-mom, Brothers, sister,
6 Status: single
7 Pets: Maggie (dog) and Anistasia (bird)
8 Distinguishing marks: ummm...
9 Favourite pop band: ummm...
10 Favourite band with instruments: ummm...
11 Favourite song: Over and Over by Nellie and Tim Migrah
12 What was the first poster you put on your wall? Winnie the Pooh
13 First memory: Getting my Diaper changed :P
14 First cd you bought: Brittany Sperse
15 Favourite cartoon character: ARTHUR!!!
16 Favourite catchphrase: meh
17 Teacher you had a crush on: GRADE 6 MR. WIER!!
18 Favourite body part: umm...
19 Favourite part of the opposite sex: SMILES!!
20 What disappoints you most about the opposite sex? their attitude!
21 If you could pass a new law what would it be? ICE CREAM AND CHOCOLATE ARE FREE!!!
22 Are you cool at school? NOPE!
23 Most kisses in one night: like...50!
24 What makes you laugh? HEATHER!!
25 What makes you cry? When my friends are upset :(
26 Favourite pizza topping: CHESSE!!
27 Favourite kind of sandwich: PB&J w00t
28 Secret ambition: ummm...I cant say here?
29 Ever broken the law? Sure have
30 What's the most you've spent on an item of clothing? untill I get my uniform...$2.99!!! I LOVE VALUE VILLAGE!!
31 Who could you have in a fight? My bros
32 What would you ban? STUPID PPL!
33 What's your idea of happiness? being in my lil world
34 Greatest fear: Death
35 Greatest extravagance: whats that?
37 What is your motto? Live every day like its your last...becasue IT MIGHT BE!!
38 Favourite trip: Florida in gr. 2
39 Who is the love of your life? ummm...I dunno
40 What would you change about yourself? My overall looks
41 What qualities do you most value in a friend? Honesty
42 If you could come back from the dead what would you be? A SHRIMP!!
43 What's under your bed? A MONSTER!
44 Most treasured possession: My life
45 Quote a line of poetry: um...
46 Do you own patterned socks? HELL YEAH!
47 Do you believe in aliens? ok
48 Are you a driver or a map-reader? neither
49 What are you obsessed with? ME
50 Favourite smell: Cinamon
51 Whats the most expensive thing youve ever bought? my cell
52 Favourite breed of dog: SHITPOO
53 What8217;s the last thing you laughed at? ZOE!!
54 Favourite mountain range: umm...
55 Colour of curtains: White
56 When did you last cry? last week
57 Ive always wanted to: See what comes after death
58 Last thing I cooked was: Kraft Dinner!1
59 Fave word beginning with Q: Q-TIP
60 Least favourite group: Brittny speres
61 Number of school detentions: like 45 (in all)
62 What do you think about most often? Life
63 What book are you reading? Support your local wizard
64 Whats the best present youve ever been given? MY MONKEY SHIRT!
65 What would you die if anyone knew? huh??
66 Favourite expression: Okkee Dokkee
67 Least fave household chore: Bathroom
68 What colour underwear are you wearing? BLUE!!
69 What shampoo do you use? whatever is in the shower
70 Favourite sweet: CHOCOLATE!!
71 If curiosity killed the cat, what happened to the dog? He sat there laughing!
72 Favourite Disney film: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!!
73 Favourite place: GRANDMA'S HOUSE!!
74 Whats the best advice youve ever been given? Be what you want to be...not what ohters expect you to be, use your mind wisly...13th b-day from my bro
75 Favourite thing about where you live: Family!
76 Favourite movie: Forrest Gump!
77 Favourite film star: The kid from the 6th sense
78 Male or female company? both
79 What sport are you best at? Volleyball
80 Whats the best room in your house? MY BATHROOM!!! (its an under water theme!)
81 Whats the longest youve spent getting ready for a night out? 5 mins
82 What are the worst lyrics youve ever heard? Anything by Brittany!
83 Who is your hero? my bro Lennon
84 Nickname: Trisket, Twist-Tie, Weirdo
85 Star sign: Aries
86 Favourite colour: Black/Red
87 In trouble at school for: Saying OMG in the middle of religion!
88 Turn-ons: Belly button, boy's smiles
89 Favourite sport to watch: basketball
90 Favourite sport to play: basketball/volleyball
91 Worst moment at school: in a fight with my friend and locker partner
92 Favourite possession: my life
93 Best moment at school: Metting ZOE AND JESS!!
94 Favourite solo artist: dunno
95 Worst subject at school: FRENCH!!
96 Where do you buy your clothes? VALUE VILLAGE!!
97 What was the latest message you sent? i dunno
98 Who is your best friend? Zoe, Jess, Miranda, AND HEATHER! LOVE YOU GUYS!
99 What kind of food do you like? CHESSE!
100 Favourite holiday destination: My sisters!!
101 What is your favourite drink? Shirley temple
102 How do you relax? SLEEP!!
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