Don't try this at home without adult supervision

Jan 11, 2008 13:36

Atlatls, whip bows, and other dangerous arts and crafts

they can call the hospital when you mange to shoot yourself through the forehead after belatedly realizing you can't aim worth a damn.

You know the only reason i looked up flint knapping was Lil' robert's X-mas present, which was a arrowhead his step-dad bought at a southern reservation.
Eskimo a cool web site, but you can totally learn the Flint knapping from videos, but you probably have to buy some stone, which doesn't have to be flint, you can use jasper too.
Straw house plans, ye olde geodesic dome which i think is kind of cool. Even in housing, why be normal? Tulgeywood Lists a bunch of places that do earthsips, even a dome greenhouse! Cool, eco nomads and they have a kid! Earthship has cool info. Nader Khalili, and his orginazation Cal Earth, i love the smooth flowing lines of all the houses. ceramic houses awesome idea! Here's a good question, maybe the heat would seep through the walls? Neato materials you can use to make the houses. Finally, Green home building
----Old timey ways to hunt -------------
Make pointy objects with this handy DIY on flint knapping!
Primal connection has fire making kits. ya' know flint and steel and what not, technically so does wal mart. and tutorials!
Bows are cool
Another DIYer on Bows! which is cool since i left mine in richmond. =\
Forest monkey Productionsout of Canada has a tutorial on making an Atlatl, A.K.A. not that thing the whipbow Dart uses in the second volume of the 2nd reprint of Elfquest graphic novel collection. *Koff*nerd grrl*Koff* Cool. More info about the atlatl
She explains the Atlatl, short but sweet
A short but informative wiki on bows
Spear thrower
PaleomanJim also a Knapper just lead to the Vora and Tioch being better and more artistically armed with his beautiful arrow heads... and an elaphant!! WTF?!
Flint knapping tips looks cool too. but not as cool as the others. =^_^=;
Primitive technology
flight toys has links
Atlats n More magazine, Thud's cave has alot of designs to make one your self, and which states will let you get away with using it. Personally, I think it would classify as a form of archery since what your flinging is just a longer arrow, seriously look at the shafts people are using! Those are arrows. big. whopping. arrows. Or make a bow the old fasion way from a book
The lazier people who breeze through my LJ on a whim can also just buy one from Thunder Bird Atlatl, and the people who are all thumbs and shouldn't be within 50ft of a tool bench... don't look at me, I've used a blow torch, drill press and the infamous decapitating jeweler buffing machine. I'm good with dangerous objects. XD
And here's a video of a 7 year old kid using an atlatl to hunt deer on a deer farm. warning to the squeamish, they show the deer and the fact that the little tyke managed to get the giant fricking arrow all the way through the deer. I think my dad would've been impressed, but my mom would never let me go out on a hunting trip with a bunch of guys. what was I? like 7?! there's only so much tomboyery a mom will let slide you know.
You know, i think i understand the write what you know thing now.
bamboo bow, and the American boys handy book's section on thewhip bow. man i think i read this book in middle school. =^_^=;

---------------This just In--------------------
Oreo because i couldn't do it for Kitty, Cinnamon, or Clover. French wiki has a better pic for their Ball joint dollentry, And i can't read the language but i lie her scans of manga, A Fascinating blog
------------------Random stuff-----------------
And while trying to locate a synthetic flexible material to make a better whip bow with, i found this girl. wow, you could like watch her all day. =o_0=
Ok, the tour of
Avenue Q hits somewhere in north Carolina in july, but seems to play constantly in NY. beta fish breeding seems interesting but hard on the parents what with all the mauling!
mortality rates in other countires are pretty depressing, and 'shame i didn't find this before Amanda was pregnant, then again i think she smokes everyday so not like it would help. =\ lastly, I don't even know what this blog is about but the pics are cool.

BTW, i actually made a whip bow last night as an experiment and successfully shot the thing repeatedly until my lousy balsa wood arrows broke.

flintknap, youtube, tutorials, earthship, diy, ref pic

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