The zucchini dish came out great. the only problem being that i probably should have used more Italian seasoning but i'd have to find a way to grind it up finer. The rosemary leaves are disturbing to me for some reason and i just have a general dislike for chunky seasoning. It's why i like white pepper more than black. =@_@=; White pepper tends to be powdered.
Now On to ze Links!
this list of links brought to you by,
Simplicity, i would've bought the bloody pattern if you had included some kind of direction for making wings. =>_<= but that's OK i got a top hat pattern so i'll let it slide this time. =O_O=
Sometimes i just like looking at other peoples creations for
inspiration! Yay wings! Here's how to make
fairy wings, really neat tutorial! Errr, change the back tho and make the wings on a wire bar so they won't shift as much. Trust me on that. You can see what i'm referring to on the back view of some of the wings you see. More
wings by FL, and EHD figured out how to make 'flapping'
wings, which is good if there's a chance you could hit some one. Less eye gouge-y. Score i found a tutorial on how to make
Flapping wings. EC gets props for making
Tri wings which i usually only see in anime and my drawings. Wow, a
Pop up wings tutorial! =(O_O)=
Feather guntlets now that's a col idea,
Fairy wings has bat fairy wings, and this UK site has
Bron elf ear tips. How to make
Really Freaking Huge angel wings. And my personal favorite tutorial on the subject,
The Feather Wings! it's on the site somewhere, and it took me over 30 mins. to track this site down. What would we do without cosplayers and random web geniuses? =^_^=
4 days straight of double exp and i can't find a computer anywhere. feh. =\
smuu, who also posts her updates on her comic(s) here,
demonology101 is getting here story Zombies Calling published by Slave labor graphics. They brought such clasics as Johnny the Homicidal maniac, Squee, I feel Sick, and i believe Lenore.
More wing making links