my ONE political rant for this election. . .

Nov 02, 2004 19:28

Ok. . .my ONE political rant for the entire election/campaign, etc. . .bear with me! (This is solely a dicussion on the military, not meant to express my views on the war, etc or anything else at this time--you want more, email me).

I am SO SO SO SO SO sick of people who accuse President Bush of sending our troops "overseas to die". Being in the military ISN'T a desk job--it's NEVER been one--not even in peaceful times. I have friends/family in the military--I proudly support it. But anyone who signs up for it and doesn't reasonably expect at one point or another to be called to defend our country for some various reason is deluded. I know people have various reasons for joining the military, I'm aware there's some pretty nice education benefits in there for servicement. But I don't see how any reasonable person can join the United States Military in ANY branch and just think they'll sit around doing pushups all day and running laps around a base while shining their tanks. That's like being a nanny and then throwing a fit when you have to change diapers. Sure you signed up to watch them, but you have to take an active part in actually DOING the work associated with the job. . .and while I'm on my political rant (I know, i said i wouldn't but this is fairly broad and attacks both parties). . .I personally think that anyone who bitches about taxes/education/economy/etc should be forced to spend a month in a third-world country like Ethiopia. . .you know, where there's little to no running water, feces on the streets, poor (if any) health care, a mortality rate that reaches new heights yearly, an income rate that makes our homeless look like kings. . .I've seen it first rate and I know what it does to the spirit of some people, but I think it'd teach Americans a great deal about what it is exactly that we have to be thankful for. /rant off

With that being said, I'm not too concerned. God's known the outcome of this election long before the polls close. . .He will put whomever He choooses in the White House tonight. And frankly, i'd trust His judgement over anyone in America--especially Michael Moore( I hate antagonists--ugh).

*huggles* i love you all :)
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