To our little Buddy:

Feb 09, 2010 21:12

You were in our lives for such a short time, and I really, really wish we had all had more time together. And even though it hurt us to lose you the way we did, I am still so happy that we were at least able to have some time together.

We just knew you belonged here from the very first moment we laid eyes on you. Half-starved, and reluctant to trust us at first, you soon took to us as we were hoping you would. We got you checked out and fixed up by the vet, and were made aware of how uncomfortable you must be due to your long-neglected dental issues, which we resolved to fix - as soon as we were able to. The more we fed you and spent time with you and took care of you, the healthier you looked. Even your cherry eye had almost completely healed on its own, and you looked and acted like a much younger doggie!

(true to the nature of your breed, you always did keep your nose to the ground, following whatever trails you could in our back yard!)

We had so much fun this summer, didn't we? Well, except for the time got stuck in the woods. That was not fun at all, for you OR us! But we got our happy ending.

You loved us, and you loved our other dogs:

You never howled at us when we took the girls in after playing, and left you outside at night. You were happiest outside, though you did enjoy coming inside to play every now and then, and mark your territory. But I can hardly fault you for that; you were just trying to let any other dogs that might come near know that this place was yours - and it was.

Despite how much pain you must have been in closer to the end, you never complained. About anything. Ever. We rarely ever heard you bark or howl, and you never whimpered or whined. Which is why, when faced with the decision to put you under and try to fix you this time or to let you go to sleep peacefully, I chose the latter.

It was easy, and it was hard. The vet and I were not sure you'd be up to the surgery, and the odds of you coming through it at all at this point were not good. I was worried that I could not get you through recovery. After all you'd been through already, I could not be responsible for putting you through more pain, even though I know you are a fighter. We all felt you deserved to roam free, without boundaries of fences and harnesses and painful issues. Chasing rabbits whenever and wherever you wanted, sunning yourself always. Ironically, we saw the sun today for the first time in a while, as you were drifting off to sleep.

You took a big piece of us with you today, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know you loved us, and we know that you knew we loved you. I am glad you got to experience a few months of having nothing to do but be adored.

You will be missed.
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