Like any good southerner

Jan 06, 2010 01:51

Like any good southerner, the first thing I did when I heard we’d be getting 1-2 inches of snow Thursday was run to the grocery store. Okay, Tuesday is just my day to shop, but on this particular Tuesday, it was EVERYONE’s day to shop. I guess people want to stock up on as much as possible before the sky begins to fall on our heads in the form of tiny white flakes.

I have lived here long enough to know better than to read too much into the weather reports, but then again….a snow day or two might be nice. We haven’t had one in so long! And if it does snow? It is expected to stick to the roads due to the frigid temps we’ve been having lately. I do. NOT. drive. in. snow. I do not own a four-wheel drive, or even a front-wheel drive, for that matter. The last time I tried to drive when it snowed, I managed to back out of my parking space, but could not control the car to steer it to a main road. No way will it make it across bridges and around curves, then up the MOUNTAIN I’d have to traverse to get to work. So if it snows? I am stuck.

I don’t really mind except I don’t want to be without the day/s’ pay, of course. But just in case, we are stocked up on soda, bread, peanut butter, soup, chili, crackers, and cocoa. I LOVE comfort food when it’s this cold outside! And I have plenty to read, and plenty to watch. We’ll be so cozy!

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