Just five more hours

Dec 21, 2009 09:10

till a nice little two-day-off stretch. (Give or take - because I’ve got to get one of my kids to school and then DRIVE and then I’ll have a drive back) But so far I have held out well. Better than I expected so far, especially since I was so exhausted for the past few days. Hungry Girl-ing is going okay. Not great, since I can’t find fat free cheese or some of the ingredients for the recipes anywhere. But Lean Gourmet is working out well for me
. Work is going well. And I’ve been keeping up with the housekeeping better than I had thought I’d be able to (two sinks full of last night’s dishes and two loads of laundry and counting, since I got up!), and now I have been gifted with a new refrigerator by my amazing Mom!

I’ve picked it out, but haven’t ordered/paid for it yet. I opted to get a slightly smaller (only by 3 cubic feet) model, and a NAME BRAND this time. Geez, I have had nothing but trouble from that Haier POS I should have researched more thoroughly before purchasing. It’s this one, and it matches the stove I’m working towards. (Range? That’s what they’re called on the site, but I’ve always called them stoves. Heh.) The fridge isn’t Energy-Star compliant, which is what I wanted. But it can’t possibly be any worse than what I’ve already got. And the stove at least is an eco-friendly cooking system.

I’m also buying a carton or two of new floor covering for the living room every week when I budget out the grocery money. It’s cheap and it’s not hardwood or even laminate, but it will do until I can do better. It will be getting the nasty carpet out, and that is what’s most important right now. I can always upgrade when I’m able to.

We also have a bit of money set aside to get a plumber in here to fix the main bath and the kitchen sink. It also looks like I’ll need an electrician soon, too, as all the outlets in the back wall of my kitchen are useless. Getting power somehow, but not powering anything. It’s always something, isn’t it? Sad thing is, this house is only about 16-17 years old. We knew we’d be getting a bit of a lemon since it was a foreclosure that obviously was not well-cared for during the months it was empty.

But that’s what’s keeping me going day after day. I have to fix the messes in this house, and the sooner the better!

So the plan is to finish my shift out today, check on appointments for Tuesday, get some catch-up housework done, and try to rest before the overnight drive out of state and drive back. It’d be nice to actually blog again. I’d love to even get some pictures of my latest thrifty finds. I’ve been so excited about them, and have had no time to get decent photos of any of them!

Since I last blogged, the mommy-blogging world has pretty much spun off its axis and yet another celebrity has died. (I loved Brittany Murphy!) Has anything else been going on that I have probably missed since I haven’t been able to really hang out much online in the past week?

Originally published at devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or there.

miscellaneous, busy, happy little home

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