Decisions, decisions

Oct 24, 2009 12:24

I probably shouldn’t even be talking about traveling to shows while I’m this broke and having to viscerally squeeze my budget in order to make ends meet, but….well, I’m going to anyway. I get to travel to shows relatively few times during any given year, and I refuse to feel guilty about the cost involved when I have taken on various side jobs to fund that line of entertainment so that no household funds need be disturbed.

Anyhow…..I was going to see Type O. Then I wasn’t, when my friend had to back out. Then I was, when another friend wanted to go. Then I wasn’t, when she had to back out. I had pretty much decided against going, too. But I hate missing their shows. Not only do I love the band, but I have no idea how much longer they’ll continue to record and tour. If this was a show in Nashville instead of Atlanta, I would have no problem at all driving by myself. I have no problem driving to Atlanta by myself. But I am really not too fond of the idea of driving back between the hours of midnight and 4-5 AM, and unfortunately, that is what I would have to do. It’s a school night, and I need to be back home to see my kids off to school in the morning. I can’t count on them to get themselves up and ready in the morning and on a school bus, and there is no other adult I can count on to get them to school.

I’ll probably be waffling back and forth all the way up until the day of the show trying to decide whether or not to go.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

music, entertainment, travel

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