It’s all about the music….

Aug 14, 2009 11:40

Thanks to Music Savvy Mom, True Blood, and several channels on Music Choice, I am finding so much great, new (to me) music. And rediscovering some old favorites along the way.

I’m thankful for it, since life’s been a bit of a rollercoaster lately! And music is about all I’ve really had much time for. This year Danny’s football practices are so much more involved than we got used to last year. I just went back to derby practices last week, and had to miss this week since I was unprepared for his practices running WAY over and didn’t have a backup plan. Now it’s time for me to try to re-evaluate some things, again. Because after football season is over, Joe will be playing basketball. I don’t know what that means for me, but the kids come first. And unfortunately, there is no one I can count on to get them to and from practices and games other than myself. On the bright side, early next year when Danny gets his car from his dad, and starts taking Driver’s Ed (we won’t be able to insure him before he does that), he can drive himself, at least, and his brother some of the time.

Sigh. I SO need to get it together. I have missed The Queen’s Meme for two weeks in a row now, Thursday 13 again this week, and have been quite lax about tweeting. I’d say I’d get a lot done this weekend, but tonight I’m taking the boys to their dad’s, tomorrow I’m working, and Sunday I *have* to catch up on yard work, then go get the boys.

On the bright side, I’ve made a road rage playlist for the drive over & back. I decided I needed more metal, and The Prodigy! And I’m still obsessed with Time Bomb, so it will be on there as well.

Road Rage-Aug13 Featuring: Mindfields by The Prodigy, Black Sunshine by Rob Zombie, Delirium by Satyricon, Nocturna by Moonspell, My Apocalypse by Arch Enemy, 11 O’Clock Tick Tock by U2, Contagion by Fear Factory, Molotov Bitch by The Prodigy, Time Bomb by Beck.

Okay. U2’s not metal, but I wanted it on there anyway!

Then once I get home, I’m going to listen to Skratch’N'Sniff… newest obsession! I just love that show, and you ought to be listening as well! (Oh, and I finally added some links to some websites you should DEFINITELY be checking out. It’s over there, on the far right sidebar near the bottom. Of course, I’ll be adding more as I think of places.)

Now….my soul sister Starr has put up an awesome Guest DJ Shuffle over at Music Savvy Mom. You need to go check that out, too! And while you’re there, submit your own shuffle

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

music, entertainment

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