Currently: indoors where it’s nice & dry
It’s a good thing I like it so much, because it has been raining and/or foggy every day for the past two or more weeks (or so it seems). It’s actually pretty warm, too. Unseasonably warm for this time of year. Still, there is a chill in the house. There always is this time of year, as there is always a bit of heat in the house during the hottest summer months. I’ve already gone out and shopped for groceries. Right now, I have my pick of yummy and healthy stuff to snack on and fix for meals. I’m thinking about heading out to the theater later. I’m really in the mood for a movie or three! It’s been exactly that kind of week. However….I also want to soak in a hot tub, have some hot cocoa, spend some time catching up on all my blog reads, and watching mindless tv. Decisions, decisions.
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