Tell me there’s a special place in hell for people like this!

Dec 08, 2008 04:01

Currently: heartbroken

People who abandon animals, that is. To the people who just left a litter of newly weaned pups in the woods with a bit of food and a pillow and only each other for warmth, WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT when you could have taken them to the local shelter???

You obviously hoped the pups would be rescued, since you left them with food and something to cuddle with. But instead of having the balls to take them to the shelter, where they’d have gotten shots and other medical care and a warm place to sleep and a chance for a good home, you abandoned them in the woods to starve once their food ran out, if they didn’t freeze or get killed by wildlife before help came. You left this for someone else to take care of.

Today those someones were my children and ex. Because of your thoughtless actions, I had to spend all. day. long. today telling my begging sons they could not bring one of the six pups home. (they are lab mix pups, and, while it could stay in the house until it got huge, I have no place for it to roam outside. Our yard is not fenced in now, nor do I have a way to fence it in anytime soon. The kids offered to pool their Christmas money and buy an 8×8 kennel, but that is not nearly enough room for that kind of dog once it’s fully grown. I didn’t think it was, anyway.)

The ex ended up keeping a pup and giving two away, but he and my sons had to take three to the shelter. My sons are absolutely torn up over this, and so am I. I love animals, and can’t believe someone would do that to those babies! And I really felt like an ass for having to get more and more stern each time I reminded the boys they couldn’t have one and why.

I am sure they are adorable puppies who will eventually be adopted out (my mom says the shelter is a no-kill, though I am not entirely sure about that), but, whoever you are, I hope you rot! Although the pups didn’t appear to be otherwise neglected or abused, that was a cowardly thing to do. I can’t claim to be the world’s most responsible pet owner, but I have never, EVER (nor would I ever) just left some baby animals in the woods to fend off the elements and God knows what else.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.


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