It’s over.

Oct 28, 2008 08:04

Currently: waking up

Last night was Danny’s last football game, and the guys lost. However, they were getting beaten 22-0 when I first got there (during 2nd quarter). In the 4th quarter, they scored 2 touchdowns, though (and the other team scored more, too). I think the total score was something like 36-14, so at least it wasn’t a total shutout.

However…I somehow managed to make it through the entire season without getting ANY pictures! I have no pictures of him playing, or just in uniform on the sidelines. The rest of you moms can just go on home, *I* have that coveted mother of the year award now!

It was the perfect night for football, though…the low was 32 last night, so it was already very cold while we were there. Everyone was bundled up & enjoying their hot cocoa or coffee. Danny made two tackles, and so I *FINALLY* after all season long heard them call his name out over the loudspeaker….they only did this on one of the tackles. But still…he didn’t get much time on the field this season, and now I can finally feel like he really did get to play.

Yay, Danny! You made me so proud this season, and you didn’t get nearly the playing time you deserved. But…c’est la vie.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.


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