Even though I’ve been

Apr 15, 2008 00:32

Currently: Winding down for bed.

Even though I’ve been steadily blogging (and actually doing well with crossposting @ my favorite places, yay!), I’ve still been very busy. As a result of that, I guess I feel sort of ‘disconnected’ from it all. There’s just really a lot going on, and occupying my time here lately.

For starters, how about that ROL2 finale Sunday night? I am SO glad Bret picked Ambre! After all the girls in the house ganged up on poor Daisy, I was almost rooting for her. Almost. I just always liked Ambre better. I have to admit, I cringed when I saw the previews. It seemed like Ambre was totally being a bitch to Daisy. But after seeing the show, I see that Daisy instigated all of that herself. Or, at the very least, the show was edited to make it look that way! You know what kills me, though? I can’t count on my hands the number of times Ambre was called an old woman. (Edited: by some of the women on the show, and on Myspaces and celebrity blogs alike.) OLD? She is 37, people! That’s no spring chicken, but I hardly consider it old. Of course, that’s MY age, so maybe I am biased. But I never thought of the upper 30s, middle aged as ‘old’, even when I was much, much younger. For the most part, I have always felt that age is just a number, and really not that big of a deal. Sure it can be in some situations, but mostly, no. Not a big deal at all. Anyway…that’s just so typical of most of today’s younger set. God willing, they’ll be getting older one of these days, too. And when that time comes, I doubt they’ll think of 30+ as ‘old’.

I am still getting used to this new computer. I am much more comfortable with it now than I was when I got it something like two weeks ago. I have the new computer, and Wordpress 2.5 is powering my website. I started livejournaling again, and branched out from my custom, yet safe, S1 account to an S2 plus account. I wanted to take advantage of features like matching comments pages, entry tags, and custom mood themes. I am getting my she-devils set up, and am also trying to learn how to customize S2 just a bit. I am content with how it is for now, though. I have made it public again since it is mainly a mirror of my main blog, and a way to keep up with my friends listers who don’t frequent blogs. A good many of whom also have their journals friend-locked. I think one of the biggest changes I’ve made thus far is that I am no longer using my ancient Paint Shop Pro/Animation Shop graphics programs. Right now I am learning to work with GIMP, and thus far I really, really like it! There is still so much to learn, though.

So it’s a busy, busy week for me. Tomorrow after work and errands, my youngest son and I go to the ball park for baseball evaluations. I am so glad baseball is starting! I love spending time at the ball park, watching my son learn, practice, and improve. Nothing says summer like baseball (or softball)! I am so ready for it!

Originally published at devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or there.

busy, entertainment, sports, blog, tv addict

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