Mar 13, 2008 08:16

Currently: Trying to make a post before everything I want to say escapes me.
Mood: Ready to rock!


OMG! While I am still fangirling out over TON’s Limited Edition 3 LP Red Vinyl box set (with dvd and tee shirt!), I find out they will be back in Atlanta May 23. Hell, yes, I am going! And I can’t wait!


Long time no see, huh? (Whee, a whole five days!) I guess I wasn’t kidding when I said I wasn’t feeling it. In all honesty, there has just been so much nerve-wracking stuff going on here at home that I just haven’t had much time to devote to blogging and reading. But I come bearing photos of everyone’s favorite Captain Jack Sparrow lookalike, Jason from the Velcro Pygmies! Some others, too, but I know most of you ladies are just all about Jason, so I tried to deliver! I’ll get the boring stuff out of the way first:

I got my myspace layout tweaked like I wanted it. I’ve also been seeking escape in the form of way too much sleep when I have the time (the house has suffered greatly, but past a certain point it’s just about the only way I know how to deal), and lots of reading when I can’t sleep. I’m trying to find time to start Eat, Pray, Love. I’m still trying to get into/struggling to finish The Memory Keeper’s Daughter. I don’t find it the riveting, compelling novel that most have. But that just makes me all the more determined to read it, because so many have raved about it while others have talked about how it depressed them. I am trying to find that hook that will pull me in and keep me interested. Right now, I find it a cross between depressing and boring, even though the author has quite the flair for dramatic description. Too much so, if you ask me. But that is just my opinion. I have broken out one of my old favorites, and indulge in a short story just about every night from Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. I am still engrossed in Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. It is delightful on so many levels, but I go through stages where I don’t want to have anything to do with it. Thus, I have not yet finished it. I am trying to break out of my comfort zone of cheesy historical romance novels, but it’s not an easy habit to break. Although the one I am reading now? I just hate the ‘heroine’. Want to grab her by the hair and repeatedly bitch slap her, even. It’s by one of my favorite authors, which is why I picked it up in the first place. But I don’t know if I can finish it. She’s just so irritating that I want to jump into the novel and let the hero know he deserves so much better! Don’t you hate when you can’t really enjoy a book because the main character irritates you, yet you can’t put it down because you want to see what eventually happens?


Anyway. On to this past Saturday night. To make a long story short, I went out. I made some new friends when I met the girls of the Pygmie Internet Team. Got to see my friend Stacey and meet one of her friends. Good times. Here are the pics:

Hahah, check out Cam’s shirt:

Photo courtesy of Pygmie Internet Team

Here’s a better view of it, along with my new friend Jess. Isn’t she just adorable? Cam is hilarious!

Photo courtesy of Pygmie Internet Team

Look, y’all! I crashed the Internet Team VIP photo:

Clockwise from bottom left: Me, Jenn, a girl I met whose name I can’t remember now, Tash, and Jess.
Photo Courtesy Pygmie Internet Team, Jenn, Tash, and Jess.

Me and Stacey. She is a living doll! (and I seriously don’t know what’s up with me in all these pics. I have the exact same expression, and I have no clue what I was thinking in any of them!):

Photo courtesy of Stacey.

And, as promised, two of Jason!

Jason and Chris (drummer):

And one of the hotness by himself. Unfortunately, this was Stacey he was smiling at and NOT me:

The Chippendales performed before the Pygmies, so even though none of us wanted to see the Chippendales, we were let inside before their set was finished. I got there in time to have my eyes molested by a bunch of Chippendales in cowboy hats dancing to ‘Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy’. I felt so bad for the guy who came with his female cousin for the Pygmies; he had to witness the Chippendale act, too.

And what else memorable happened? Oh….this guy that was absolutely bombed out of his skull had been making out with a woman, then a bit later came up to me and handed me a shot of some sort. I looked at him funny, and you could see the look of shock on his face when he registered that I was NOT the woman he intended the drink for. He apologized profusely, but took the shot back. How rude! (and I am only kidding about this, I most certainly do NOT accept drinks from strangers unless I see the bartender make it!)

And that is the trouble with staying away for a few days. You come back with a long-ass entry that chances are, no one will even want to sit and read all the way through.

How was your weekend? How is your week?

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

friends, entertainment, velcro pygmies, fun, happiness, myspace

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