I think I love you!

Feb 12, 2008 08:23

Currently: Trying to wrap up that Myspace layout I’ve been talking about for over a week now
Mood: Covetous

You are amazing, and simply everything I could ever hope for or want. Alas, we are not meant to be. You are way out of my league (and price range). I have a suitable option lined up, and it will be fine. Wonderful, even! But, it won’t be…..you. And this makes me very, very sad.

And now for some other randomness:
  • It’s a good thing I blogged first thing in the morning yesterday, because it was ALL downhill from there. We’re talking, a sick, congested kid, smacking my elbow into the corner of a door frame, running late getting the other kid to school, seeing scaly-looking skin under my eyes (SERIOUSLY! When did THIS happen? More importantly, can the almighty Clinique help me fix it?), a register at work completely broke down, and a million other little annoying things. Mercifully, the day improved after that. I even remembered to tune in to American Gladiators last night. I ♥ Wolf! Watching him makes me giggle! Not only does he have the impressive hair and the howl, but I last night I observed something else about him: he talks about himself in the third person! I’ve always thought that was hiliarious; remember when The Rock was still in the WWE? He used to do that all the time, too, and it would send me into fits of giggles.
  • As I mentioned before, I am just about ready to implement and debut my new Myspace layout.
    Like anyone really cares! But I do! I haven’t worked this hard on something, and nothing has taken me this long to do since learning html and css way back in the day. I’m learning something new!
  • Random conversation heard this morning between store clerk and customer:
    (I was behind her - the customer - in line waiting to pay for gas & buy breakfast)

    Customer: Did you know that stores are recycling their Valentine’s candy, and people are finding bugs in it?
    Clerk: No, haven’t heard that one, but it doesn’t surprise me….
    Customer: Ick. I ain’t eating bugs for no man!

  • Good call! The things you hear early in the morning….

    And with that, I’m off. I want to finish my layout, put it up for the world to see, and I’ve also got to begin getting ready for our dental appointments this afternoon.

    Originally published at devilishsouthernbelle.net. You can comment here or there.

    random, entertainment, i want it, tv addict

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