
Oct 16, 2007 05:33

I guess I ate too much, or ate the wrong stuff last night, because I woke up in pain about four something. I actually think it’s a combination of too much of something I can’t digest properly AND icky siuses, causing air in my tummy, which is very painful. I know how colicky babies must feel! It’s terrible. I’ve been sipping herbal tea since waking up, and sucking on a whole clove (which, wives’ tale or not, works better than anything OTC for heartburn/indigestion/stomach issues).

I figured I’d take this time to write about how I’ve been spending way too much time watching the Lifetime Movie Network, and trying to get over feeling sorry for myself and disappointment in general. I try very hard not to feel this way, because I know things can always be so much worse. Oh, guess what? I am scheduled to work the day next week that I need to leave for the show early. And so is every freaking single cashier that I know who is available during the day. What on earth are they going to do with that many cashiers on a slow day? Everyone I asked to switch with me was willing, but they are all already working. Except for one, and he is working lots of days before and after. But he may switch for me if I take one or more of his shifts off his hands. Sigh. This is all my own damned stupid fault. There has just been so much going on lately that I guess my brain is completely useless. I thought constantly about the show, but it NEVER occurred to me to ask for the days off. One of my supervisors said she would do everything she could to try to help me get out of it. It looks like there are going to be plenty of cashiers scheduled that day!


But back to LMN…..has anyone seen that movie First Born. Since I doubt many of you willingly succumb like I do to the estrogen-fest that is LMN, and therefore will likely not see this movie, I’ll go ahead and give a very brief rant about it: the description shown in my digital cable onscreen guide said “A new mom becomes increasingly paranoid in her new home.” and that was all. I wanted to watch it because, as usual, the commercials showed the very best parts of the movie, and I thought it was going to be scary-ish, since it’s close to Halloween and all. I think the movie’s director was going for edgy, but fell far short of the mark. I knew exactly how it would end, way before the end. But that isn’t even my gripe; we all have figured out movies before they ended. What had me so disgusted with it is that viewers were introduced to several different elements which really had potential:

The former residents of the house, who just split suddenly. A cashier at the grocery store where the main character Laura shops, points out that Laura moved in to Jenny’s old house, and that she used to be friends with Jenny but has lost touch with her. Laura finds diary that she believes to be Jenny’s, and we are led to think the house might be cursed, or there might be something more to this Jenny person’s involvement in Laura’s life, but there isn’t. It just kind of ends with Jenny after that.

And then there is this curse that Laura’s babysitter tells her about. Also, towards the beginning of the movie, viewers see that a creepy baby doll has been left at the residence. After much of the movie and Laura trying to get rid of her curse, she buys a book about curses which tells us that the mice she’s seen and the doll are parts of it. The camera didn’t stay focused on th book pages long enough for me to read what they were about, so I am just going to assume that book told her how to end her curse and that’s what she did.

But, unless I missed something, we never know why Laura was cursed, or why the mice and doll were left at her house. Or why Jenny was ever mentioned, but not carried through. I have so many questions! I guess she could have gone straight up crazy and imagined every bit of it from the curse to the mice to the doll, but I still can’t wrap my brain around this movie. It was predictable, yet confusing when you stop to wonder why they introduced so many other possibilities they didn’t follow up with. Or maybe I just got lost.


Here are some pics of my latest thrifty finds and other household goodies:

Pyrex lid…


Fits my Fire King/Anchor Hocking ‘Meadow Green’ casserole perfectly, and is flat, which makes refrigerator storage more convenient now.



$2. I assume from the 60s-70s, or 60s/70s inspired.

End tables…

Purchased two of these for $8 apiece to be used as bedside tables. Now I am so glad I didn’t purchase either of the other two items I was considering! $16 is a LOT cheaper than $65 for a set which would have left me with two extra tables, or $40 for a set of older veneer end tables….these are solid wood.

Homer Laughlin Platter…

My mother gave me this Homer Laughlin ‘Southern Belle’ platter. It has the exact same design as a lamp base I already have.

Vintage tablecloth…

My mom collects vintage linens, and she sent me this tablecloth this weekend. I’m not sure what kind of style this is supposed to be, or when it’s from. But it’s in excellent condition.

Here are a few of the individual designs on it…


Oh…and everyone in the neighborhood received a sex offender notification from the Sheriff yesterday. Someone convicted of ‘lewd & lascivious behavior’ is moving in just a few doors down. That’s one of the main things abou
t living in an ‘affordable’ area….ANYONE can move in and shatter your sense of security. But I guess that can happen anywhere.


Well, if you missed it and care, I posted pics from our most recent girls night out in the entry below this one!

I need to get up and get the boys moving…thank goodness I’m off work today.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

entertainment, frustration, movies, dishes, happy little home, vintage, tv addict, thrifting

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