Got a minute?

Aug 12, 2007 07:31

I am reposting this for a CafeMom friend. I know all my readers are such awesome, caring people, and I just don’t know what I’d do in this mom’s situation….

As y’all probably know by now, My now 6 month old daughter has been battling cancer since she was 2 weeks old. At her last scans 6 weeks ago, the tumor had stabilized and it had shown slight shrinkage. Next week she has more CAT scans and bone scans and blood scans and everything else that makes me shudder.She also gets a biopsy. Now if the scans show more shrinkage, and the biopsy comes up clean, they may surgically remove the tumor!!!

NOW, HERE’S WHAT I NEED FOR Y’ALL TO DO…. On Sunday August 12 at 7pm PST (that’s 9pm for my Tejas and N’awlins folk) I would like you to take at least 1 minute to pray for Ruby. Or meditate. Or send energy. Or pour a shot and do a toast. Or light a candle. Whatever it is you do to send off good energy DO IT! I want her to get a solid dose…LIKE A LASER BEAM OF POSITIVE ENERGY.

..and if you think I sound flakey, fine. Just do it to humor me. It’s only a minute out of your life

Thank you and much love from the Rowsey Family

This sweet little girl is WAY too young for this.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.


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