Carnival of the Crazy Hip Mamas #39

Jul 18, 2007 17:24

This week’s topic: Striving.

Oh, boy, where should I start? I strive for so many things in my life that it’s actually hard to keep track of them all.

Of course, I strive to raise honest, responsible, hardworking, well-mannered, happy, and healthy kids. I strive to keep my home clean and in order. I strive to stay on top of yard work. I strive to keep automobiles running. I strive to work as much as possible in my part-time, outside-the-home job so that we have a bit of spending money.

But those are the things I feel most moms already strive for, so I am going to list some things now that are somewhat unique to me.

I strive to get my ‘79 Trans Am restored ASAP.
I strive to renovate my home, so that I can accomplish home and domestic related goals such as:
….becoming a phenomenal cook.
….putting together the most awesome, rock’n'roll-looking home theater/media room/home office EVER.
I strive to learn building basics, so that I can build onto and cover my front porch. Finish an awesome patio area. Eventually build myself a garage/workshop.

….and last, I have some totally selfish things I strive for, as well:

I strive to travel more, see more bands, worry less, and work out more. I know we all want to be healthy and feel our best, but I’m not gonna lie….I want to be the hottest thang on legs one of these days!

To see what the other Crazy Hip Blog Mamas strive for, click here.

Originally published at You can comment here or there.


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