The Five Things Meme, v 2.0

Jan 20, 2007 22:50

This time I got tagged by Stacie over at Mommy Moshpit (pssst….this is a site you should be reading if you’re not already!). I’ve already done this, but rather than redirect to that post, I think I’ll try to come up with………….
(and, since this got buried in the weekend posts and likely no one other than Sugarmama has seen it, I changed an item or two items to more interesting ones)

Five (more) Things You Might Not Know About Me:

1. I’ve met several bands and recording artists.
2. I have a pretty wicked farmer’s tan.
3. I stayed on the Dean’s List honor roll throughout college, up until my last semester. (But that’s a long story for another time.)
4. I’m just now getting around to trying those fancy, flavored, and hot teas everyone raves about.
5. Despite my love of all things gardening, I am still a very novice gardener.

Are you asleep yet?

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Originally published at You can comment here or there.


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