I really am trying, I promise!

Mar 08, 2009 22:29

(semi-x-posted @ blog & Facebook)

My goal of crossposting to this journal this year has not gone well at all. I am trying to at least remember to make weekly entries and keep up better with the friends list (I've lost some of you already, and I really don't want to lose anymore!). But? That isn't going so well, either.
No news is generally good news! But I've had some exciting things come about recently.

I have scrimped and saved since Christmas, and finally bought myself a Kindle 2. It was a bit more expensive than I thought it would be (for some reason, I thought the Kindle 2 was supposed to be less expensive than the first gen, but it wasn't.), so I told myself it had better be worth every penny. I haven't had it long enough to really familiarize myself with it and learn how to use it to its fullest potential just yet, but so far? I'm loving it! I'll do my best to post a better 'review' of it once I've had it for a few weeks and have hopefully learned more about it.

So far, I've purchased Dead Until Dark, since everyone and their brother has recommended the Southern Vampire series to me. And I loved HBO's True Blood, so I was anxious to start the book series and see just how it differs from the show. Now I am trying to finish it, so that I can move onto Living Dead in Dallas, hopefully before the second season of True Blood airs. I like Dead Until Dark, but am finding it a bit hard to really get into the book since I've seen the show, and I haven't come across any MAJOR differences yet.

I've also put every piece of downloadable fiction that I was reading on there. Right now, I'm having reading ADD, because I'll read a chapter of one novel, then a chapter of another. I know many of you who are capable of reading more than one book at a time. I'm trying it. I feel like I'm not too involved in ANY thing I'm reading this way, though. Once the 'new' wears off, I'm sure I'll revert back to my old ways, which is reading one thing start to finish.

I've been able to treat myself to a few other (though lot less expensive) things that I have been waiting patiently for during tighter times. I'll get into them later; should keep me posting here more often!

happy-making, kindle

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