Sep 21, 2003 11:37
jesus fucking christ. i wrote a whole fucking entry. and i was in a good fucking mood. and then i started talking to jay about my fucking cokehead best friend and to see if maybe he could help me but he was just like im not getting into this - me, i dont want more people in this (cough cough NICOLEEEEEEEEE) and so im not trying to bring people into this. i never had a friend who was a fucking cokehead and i dont know what the fuck to do when they dont give a fuck that theyre a coke addict even if it means losing 2 of her best fucking friends. thats so fucked up of her. i cant take it. i cant take this shit anymore. i cant even fucking go on about my weekend because this just ruins my mood. im glad to see how much you care amy. what, do you WANT a drug problem? because from what i hear, you want people to help you but "instead of just helping we're mean." how did anyone offer you help? we're not mean because you have a fucking coke addiction. we're mean cuz u turned into a backstabbing bitch who ditches us. you think its our fault we dont hang out with you anymore. we tried, but you kept ditching us so we stopped calling and figured when you got a chance in ur busy schedule to come around and hang out with ur friends, you would give us a call. it takes 2 people to hold a friendship, not one person trying while the other person doesnt give a fuck. after you ditched us a certain amount of times, we stopped calling you because whats the point anymore, and then you blame us for not calling you to hang out. why didnt you ever call? youre nothing like who you used to be. you used to care about ur friends - or so it seemed. but you dont give a fuck about losing us. thats why i stopped talking to you. thats why i see you as a fucked up person. and you think ur special because u have 3 groups of friends. woo fucking hoo want a medal? because im not friends with ANY of those people am i. well im glad you seem to be so proud of ur coke addiction and being able to do lines in the fuckint SCHOOL bathroom and the fucking car wash. have fun with youre heroin addict boyfriend - who you have no right to defend about heroin at my birthday party whether hes ur boyfriend or not. he still did heroin..and once u weer a heroin addict, youre most likely going to do it again. you turned into such a fucked up person. you were nothing like this. and you dont see yourself as being fucked uo becasue look at who ur "friends" are. theyre there defending your coke habit and doing it with you, while ur REAL friends are over here caring and upset that you did this to urself. i cant believe you turned into such a stranger. and then saying 'well i got over meghan really fast...this is the same deal" uh no its not. you and meghan were best friends for like a year. you and me were best friends since 8th grade and you were never ever like this. im glad you can throw me away like that just for coke. i enjoy seeing how much you really loved me.