Jan 03, 2006 10:53
Ah, The boredom returns and again I am in Keyboarding Class and I think I am going to begin to write in here because it is so easy, he never checks on us. I am ready to go home now and do all the work that I now have to do until a break for school. But on the plus side I did get half of my Jp read and highlighted now I have to finish the book and go back and write out my annotations so if I can do like three or four chapters everynight then I will be fine but I am still going to be worried about it until I get my grade back. Oh well. I am honestly surprised how much I have jsut written about school and I am only half way through the first day back from break but it was so nice while it lasted. I guess everything will again be boring and school-related. Andrew went to Mali (again) but I am so jealous I couldn't go this time but maybe another time I will be able to go with him and see his village and everything that he has over there that he doesn't have over here or I guess the other way around. I am really glad that I get to see everyone again and church can get going again but it is always nice to have a break from reality.