Stress Less

Jun 08, 2006 16:58

Well I just got back from a Stress Manangement course I did right here in Frankston Hospital. It was pretty much a bludge, just learning how to cope with all the stresses of the workplace. Made a new friend too which was cool.

Yesterday was the big 4 month anniversary for Ron and I. We went out to the movies to see RV which was really good I enjoyed it and then we basically just messed around until it was time for Ron to go home.

I've got a bit of bad news. Atm my laptop isnt working. I think this is a problem for someone who will remain unmentioned until he puts his hand up.. Uhhh.. Same problem as what happened with the phone sweety. Hellllllp! lol. Well of course the laptop wasn't hung around my neck and surely I didn't have a glass of milk that big so it would fit in it and get swamped but its pretty much something just as stupid. Well what happened was my laptop was sitting on the floor opened, which I don't usually leave it opened but I asked Ron to move it. Anyways it was sitting on the floor right next to my drawers and almost under my bed.. which is where i put it so things like this dont happen. Anyways to get back to the story I had gotten myself a drink last night before i went to bed and had the glass sitting on my set of drawers which is just next to my bed. Then I put my phone next to the drink before i went to sleep. In the morning my phone alarm came on and I was pretty startled so I went to grab it and knocked over the drink. Thus spilling some onto my poor open laptop. I spent the entire morning shaking it trying to get the stuff out and its all sticky because it wasnt just water but apple and guava juice. Which is really good but not inside laptops. Anyways I tried it and I can get past ctrl+alt+del but no further and I have a password on it so I can't get in!

Anyways so poor laptopless me will have to console with my probably irate father when i get home.

Wish me luck guys.
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