The Truth Is

Nov 12, 2004 09:13

I could give a god damn less about all that your brainiacs think you know. I'm getting my shit out in its entirety this weekend. I do not expect to be spoken to by Danny or Kris just let me get my shit and i'm out. I do not have to fess up to a god damn thing, i do not have to explain myself or anything of the sort. If its been such a burden considering yourselves my friends then why do honestly. I was getting by just fine without Danny Thompson and Kris Williams and I'm pretty damn sure i can get by without them. And Danny the last time you were pissed off at me you brought up the same Mommy and Daddy shit, well here is a truth the whole time we were at the apartment they never once gave me a dime to help out, and all the shit my mother bought like food that was all voluntary. And don't say your parents never helped out because there is a big ass blue couch in the living room that says that they did once. But that is irrelevant to the situation. I'm getting my shit and I am gone for good I will not be seen by anyone unless it is just in passing. So all of you every last one of you live your lives thinking that i am some kind of ass hole virus i really don't care anymore. I have much more important issues to trouble myself with than a bunch of he said she said he did this she did that crap. Yeah here is one truth i want to point out to everyone. My father mister man whore himself. Yeah he made a reputation for himself as being a man whore so yeah whatever. Well a few people think i am just like him. And sure i may joke around and make cracks but its all bull shit in the mix of things I do well enough to work up enough nerve to ask a girl for a kiss. Granted i've had sex with a few people and messed around with a dozen more, my reasons for doing so went far beyond horomones and lust. But i've never stalked someone and gotta on their good side for the sake of getting laid by them. And back to the whole Rachel and Britney thing. I never once pursued anything with either one that was of a sexual manor they can vouche for that. Yeah i was pissed off at Cody and Bobbie that day at the apartment but whatever i got over it. And also another truth, when i stopped caring about getting with someone a shit load of girls popped up out of no where, at first it was really hard to decide which one to go for. I spent a lot of time thinking of who would be the best choice as far as who i would get along with better and i made that choice and she was Britney, of course now i can't get her to give me the time of day but whatever it sucks really bad but what can i do. I've tried so hard to live up to the images my friends have created for me whether it be man whore or what else, but the image that you all have created of me being the ass hole bad guy i refuse to conform to. And as for the people who formerly were my best friends that can not say i didn't have their back when they needed me as long as i was in the position to help them. But thats water under the bridge. Also, i'm sorry about Kris being "out on his ass". But funny story, when dad talked to his mother he had been thinking about plans to move onto a campus somewhere do that was going to leave Dan and I on our asses wouldn't it? If what she said was true. But anyway i've had enough typing for one morning so i guess i'll go down to micrographics and fuck Jessi and then go find someone else to take advantage of and use. And of by the way Sammie, i'm not shady! And Kelly i'm definately not a smooth talker, you have to have a little bit of intelligence for that!
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