Time To Strap On The Chains

Oct 27, 2004 13:23

Apparently everyone in Henry County has relaxed. Everyone by now knows that Tyanda and the immortal oh so badass Wes Cox are no longer together so I guess they feel it is safe to venture out into the open again.. . . WRONG MUTHA FUCKIN DOUCHE BAG LICKING INBRED COW HUMPING SON'SA BITCHES. I feel i must return to this God forsaken land and crack a few skulls, kill a few cows, set a couple of tractors on fire, and last but not least RAIN DOWN FIRE AND BRIMSTONE UPON HENRY CO AS ONLY THE RED HORSEMAN CAN DELIEVER. A few days ago a Shelby Co. woman passed out and crashed into a house rupturing the gas line to the house, well the house and her car went ablaze and it just so happened that an Eminence man who was traveling behind her rescued her from an otherwise, firey doom. Well now all these papers are calling the mother fucker a God damn hero and everything else expanding the ego of Henry Countians everywhere. My theory is that knowing the rapist disposition of most Henry Co. guys he was probably hoping that the crash had killed the woman. So he was planning to have gross unprotected sex with the woman's charred corpse. But i will not stand for anyone in Henry Co. to have an ego they are little ants within my ant farm and I am their master!!! But anyway other than my plan of destruction which has resulted from one man thinking he is worthy of being called heroic I really miss Britney. Damnit hurry up and get home!!!! We really have to talk, its not urgent or anything i just really really want to hear your voice. I am much better than Adam Lazzara anyway. Megan would beg to differ but i know i am better!!!

p.s. for some strange reason i have the urge to witness my daughter's birth again. Not for the real Tyanda aspect of it but merely because the first time i was all nervous and sick to my stomach from anxiety. And now i wanna be all like LOOK AT MY DAUGHTER!!! Plus i felt victorious when i was running down the hallway of the hospital of La Grange holding my daughter like "Thats right motha fuckers my daughter is beautiful." And then when the nurses took my daughter away to give her shots it was funny when i was looking through the big glass and giving them evil eyes and using hand signals to let them know that i would kill them if i heard my daughter cry. I was so over protective with Koty when she was born. Although i think i could do without the part when the English doctor working there told me that no matter what Tyanda said I should not have sex with her for 6 weeks. But I would love the chance to make fun of Tyanda again when she had to wear that gigantic diaper hahahahahahahahaha. OH GOD THE SMELL OF BIRTH!!!! Okay maybe i don't want to witness my daughter being born again. And I definately don't miss Tyanda's grand father saying over and over that my daughter is gift from God, and then having to listen to his three hour speech about how God is good God is great. . . . . .I swear i'm going to kill that man one day just for the hell of it and then when he goes to hell for his years of saying shit and telling people that it is the word of God I will laugh my arse off. Ya know I wish I remembered how to Waltz and swing dance, I wanna teach Koty when she gets big enough. . . .It is weird that you want to teach your daughter to dance? Is it even more weird that you want to dance with your daughter? I want to chase my daughter around a big ass back yard. Damn I miss that little girl. . . . .wow my most random post to date!

-The Wester
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