May 02, 2008 21:55

Barasuishou [OU]: An odd girl he talked to about wishes. Despite her oddity, Dante sort of likes her and is curious about her, in his own way.

Dante [OU]: Oooor maybe not. :| So his younger self's gone off and forgotten everything. Grand. Doesn't change that the older feels slightly protective of his younger self. ... and that he's keeping the turtleneck.

Haseo [TU]: Not a bad girl. Dante's keeping an eye out for some of her friends for her, which says a bit about his impression of her already.

Mary "Lady" Arkham [TU]: Again, not a bad girl. While he's a little bit wary of her after the whole 'Vergil possessing Nero' incident, and on a whole finds her a bit suspicious at times, he still overall likes her. She's not bad conversation, and hey - she looks pretty nice when she actually smiles.

Misaki Shiki [OU]: She fixed his coat. For free. On his list of "People of a Greater Awesome". ♥

Nero [OU]: A kid who knows him from some other time and place. While he has no idea what Nero is going on about in 'Fortuna' yet, he did somehow help reassure him things would be fine... even if he was just sort of flaunting his ego at the time. More recently they bonded a bit while Dante taught him how to play the guitar. Doesn't think Nero's all too bad - he has fun bantering back and forth with him, as well as just talking to him in general. Another he's beginning to feel slightly protective over. Also, informed Dante that while Sparda has a religious following, he gets nada. OF COURSE.

Trish [OU]: It's the lady who crashed through his office! While he doesn't know Trish as well as he might like, he still likes her and besides, she's giving him a place to crash. Not a bad lady at all. Also, like with twin!Dante, hurt her and you're dead.

Zell Dincht [OU]: The kid's Zell. Not a bad guy, especially since he deals with the crap two Dantes throw at him and still finds it in himself to like them. Likes him, but is mindful of himself around the tiny martial artist for the twin's sake.

Zell Dincht [TU]: The one who hates him by proxy! This one's blatant refusal to be involved with any Dante just eggs him on more, and besides, he'd be amused by it.


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