To cry is to know that you're alive...but my river of tears has run dry...

Jan 28, 2005 19:09

My dad's an asshole and decided to go and hurt himself so that he can't go to work for the next two weeks. Oh joy. Now I have about 0 privacy whatsoever. Whoopee.


Yes, Kelli, somehow, someway,..........I'm engaged.

Give it two weeks and I'm sure I'll be able to do something so retarded that she'll change her mind. But for now....yeah.


Happy, aren't we?

Oh aye.

I'm abso-fuckin-lutely terrified of her family, however. And today, being a rather bored child, I sent her a text message.

Her sister answered.

I was then forced to answer a series of in-depth questions pertaining to the nature of mine and hers relationship.

I answered well.

Her sister actually likes me.

Go figure, huh? My first encounter with one of her family members, who appear to be just slightly homophobic (her dad actually once said that he wanted to kill all the gay people in the world off), and not only do I come away from it not traumatized, but one of her family members actually approves of me!

What IS the world coming to....

But for now, I want to go play with my three new toys. My three new toys under my pillow. My shiny new toys. They haven't yet been baptized. Think I should give them a gool ol' welcome?

FYI, Jessica would like me to throw my three new toys out my window. Don't think the cats would like that, oh no.

This's it. I want to move to Italy. Perhaps Ireland. Doesn't Mel live in Scotland? There we go, I'll come visit you as soon as I get there. Better yet, I'll come pick you up, we can move on to Finland.


With Kelli.

And a little gray kitten named Valo.

Should be fun, no?

Might have to take my fiance, however...
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