May 30, 2008 22:58
Well, I'm not breaking up with Battlestar, yet, but damn... It sure is taking me on a hell of a roller coaster ride this season.
My first impression? Noooooooooo, Lance! First Gunny, then Jean, and now Lance? I did not expect the dead cat in a bag nor did I expect Romo to pull a gun on Lee. Nice twist, that. I love Romo's story finally coming out, about his coward's choice with the cat on the shuttle, and how he finally cracked. Makes you wonder if his wife was the woman in the story he told Lee last season.
Pike? Who cares. Someone should have given him a red shirt several eps earlier.
Next biggest surprise? Leeland. Wtf were you thinking, Bill. That is the worst name for a kid ever. Plain old Lee would have been fine. Now I'm going to snicker every time I see him. Also, Tigh and Six is just plain wrong. And how the hell is she pregnant? Are the Final Five that different?
More squee: The Old Man gets back in a flight suit. And Kara! And Lee! In the same space! But Jesus, way to ignore your son when you're going off on the equivalent of a suicide mission. I do like he's on better terms with Kara, but I can't believe he said nothing to Lee, who's all kicked puppy. I do like the look Kara and Lee share after. I can see them with their arms around each other as he launches. It was very awesome to hear Bill use his call sign though.
Wouldn't it be awesome if Cottle was the last cylon? Man...
I am so over Lee as president. Beep beep, it's the obvious truck. I feel you, Romo. We all knew that it was either going to be the Old Man or Lee. Roslin is going to be PISSED when she gets back. Wonder if Lee really will hand power back or Roslin's going to just enjoy retirement with the Old Man. But hey, at least he admits he can't live with out her. HINT HINT.
So we lose Lance in the worst possible way, but at least we get Jake back, right?
Next week looks crazy. I wonder if we really are going to get to find out who the final cylon is or if they're going to drag it out even more.