It disturbs me a great deal that soy cheese singles actually taste slightly better than Kraft singles. There is something fundamentally wrong with that...
That said, lunch was good. In my brief kick of eating somewhat healthier and partly because I really like soy products, I bought Nayonaise yesterday, along with aforementioned soy cheese, with the express intent of making tuna melts. I kind of fail because I used real tuna, but fish is the whole reason I would never be able to be a vegetarian. I love the cow, but I could live without it.
Anyhow, so it was actually fairly tasty. Nayonaise tastes better than I remember it tasting a good decade ago and it's still better than Miracle Whip. Christ, I hate that shit. Plus, it didn't make me feel queasy like regular mayo normally does. My stomach, apparently, has decided that it will no longer handle greasy/oily/fatty foods and, since I am actually listening to it for once, perhaps I will actually lose some weight instead of just being sick all the time.
I still totally lack motivation today. I cleaned up the hard drive on the PC yesterday and I'm going to try and do the same here today. New(ish) computer is coming on Friday, so maybe I'll be able to get more work done faster for once. Still haven't started my painting, mostly because I figure if I'm really unmotivated, I shouldn't screw around. I also still need to clean my paint tray.
I dumped the photos of Kitteh and the beach yesterday, so I'll be posting those later on my
my DeviantArt later today. Still working on the website and toying with new things for the gallery aspect, so hopefully I'll get that done this week.
I wish I weren't do cranky.