May 05, 2005 18:45
wow soo uhh yea i havent updated in a very long time huh. uhh lets see i dont even know where to start so i guess i will just do a short recap. lets see uhh in the last month we had our formal oo that was eh ok whatever i looked hot. umm basically just finishing off school. a bunch of drama occured but not going into that ugh anyways uhh finished off the school year. I can't believe I am done w/ my first year of college holy cow. I got 2 a's 2 b's and a pass this semester woot. uhh yea im going to miss tampa tho, i'm back home and sick blech. tear i will miss everyone. ugh i have a feeling this summer will be a summer of me getting none lol. o well working at target o yay lol. uhh yea so just wanted u all to kno im not dead lol and if u want to entertain me over summer please do cause i will be bored in this town so i will def be makin road trips to orlando and tampa. woot. alright later peace.